Monday 6 June 2011

There's no higher ground to stand than bottom of the pile

Money worries. They come to all of us sooner or later. In my case, they have never really left. I guess I can count myself lucky in that I have a job. Edd gets down because he's unemployed and there are just no jobs out there at the moment. And the ones he does apply for, he either never hears back or has an interview, gets told there are about 100 people applying for 1 position, and never hears back from the interview. He wants to be working. I want him to be working, it would do his self confidence the world of good. But in the meantime, I don't mind being the breadwinner. If only the money was a bit better. But we're coping. Just. Money is tight this month, what with having to pay the excess on the car insurance after my bump, and buying food as Edd's parents aren't here to do it. I never relied on them for food, his mum had always cooked dinner when I got home from work, and every time I offered to buy food they wouldn't let me. Still, we have enough food to keep us going for a while, and more money coming in at the end of the week, it's just going to be a week of no spending until Friday. I don't need much anyway. I have everything I need lying next to me (it's Edd, not Batman).

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