In an attempt to escape this freezer, I have spent the weekend at Mike's. Not that his attic room is much warmer, but the shared body heat is good! And he was such a funny drunk on Saturday night! Honestly, the "I'm taking my jeans off but I'm too drunk to stand on one foot so I'm hopping all over the place" dance was amazing, and I couldn't stop giggling. The more time I spend with him, the happier I am, and I'm falling for him in a big way.
For my birthday, 3 good things happened. Numero uno: I got taken for a birthday breakfast by Natalie, a girl I work with. I love hashbrowns. I really really do.
Numero dos: I got the job! Start on 4th January, and I'm rather excited. I must buy thermal underwear first though. Just to survive the sub-zero temperatures of South Wales.
Numero tres: Mike took me bowling! And I beat him! Oh yes! We also went on the big wheel, even though it was really cold. I'm quite partial to bowling shoes. I think my new mission is to find a pair I can wear as trainers that don't make you slip everywhere.

Also this week, I went shopping in Toys R Us with my friend Kieran, as he wanted to buy his brother a jigsaw puzzle. Seriously, I discovered why my mum would never let us go there when I was little. It's AMAZING!!!! Although I saw many toys that I would have loved as a child, and suddenly felt really deprived. Also, the range of toys available to kids these days is mind blowing! We felt like children again!

Keiran loved the kitchen

Look at the battery operated cars!

It spells MIKE... something to brighten his day

All in all it's been a good week. I'm going home for Christmas on wednesday, although my Christmassy feeling has gone. Hopefully when I get on that coach it'll come back.
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