Friday I got all festive and decorated my flat!

Quite clearly I am a master of interior design! But it was nice feeling all festivey. I do love Christmas time. Friday evening I had a lovely night in with Mike. I made moussaka, well, I made a veggie version of it, as that's what you do when you have a veggie boyfriend. It was yummy! I surprised myself! I actually got a meal right the first time I made it! And I also made apple crumble, and Mike got a bit carried away with putting the cinnamon in... But it tasted amazing. I love the smell of cinnamon, it's so Christmassy, you know? I love anything that smells festive. I think I may have been an elf in a previous life. And we had a lovely evening in watching comedy on the tv and listening to the rain and drinking Fosters. It was great!
However, on Saturday morning it wasn't so great as I had to get up at 5.30am to go to work. Which Mike loved, and took great pleasure in making me get out of bed and then cocooned himself in my duvet and told me to have fun at work. Meanie. But it was only a 4 hour shift, so it wasn't too bad. We went shopping in Cardiff in the afternoon, where, guess what? It rained. A lot. We got soaked. And cold. And it was really busy. I think I spent more time queueing for the toilet in the shopping centre than actually shopping! There are some nice shops in Cardiff though, which made me sad that I am completely broke. Maybe one day I can afford the nice things in Habitat, one day. We had dinner in a really cool restaurant called Walk To Walk, where they cooked your order in front of you, and it was in one of those cool boxes that they have on american shows. It was really yummy and really filling, although I did get a bit carried away with the soy sauce! We also discovered this coke can with an interesting and slighty risquè image of Father Christmas on it... Look at his coke bottle!

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