Ho ho ho! I am feeling all festive as I'm going home tomorrow for Christmas! This will be the first time I've been home since August, and I'm rather excited. Home cooked food, a warm house that isn't full of mould and PRESENTS! I think that when you move away you appreciate Christmas a lot more as a time of family rather than a time to get drunk. Of course, I'll be getting drunk too, but that'll be with my family!
So, for nostalgia purposes, my Christmas last year (where I had red hair! This year it's purple!):
I'm not looking forward to the time when I have a Christmas away from home. It's going to be weird. I am looking forward to openening the present from Mike however. I love surprises! He's just left mine and I now won't see him until the 28th, which seems aaaaaaages away, but in reality it isn't. I am impatient!
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