Well, I had my interview today, and it went well. I am going back on Monday for a day of training. I think that's a good sign? And it's not telesales, which is a good thing, as I was a bit worried. It is selling though, but face to face and with businesses etc. Oh well, someone has got to do it, and if I don't like it I'll just start looking for a new job. The best part is that they start working at 11am!!! I mean, that would mean I wouldn't have to get up until 9am! Can you imagine that?! A whole 3 or 4 more hours in bed than I'm used to. I'm excited at the thought already!
In other news, it's cold. My flat is cold. And we have rising damp, which means all the heat is being sucked out of the walls and I'm having to wear many layers inside so that I don't freeze to death. As seen in picture. Yes, I am wearing a woolly hat indoors. I make it look cool though.
I would also just like to say that I have a wonderful boyfriend. Just wanted to share that.
I also have an amazing best friend in the shape of Carys, who sent me a box full of joy. Joy being Christmas and birthday presents. She is truly fantastical and I miss her loads. I wish I had more time off at Christmas so I could go up to London to see her. However with this new job it's not weekends, so I could pop down for a weekend I guess. She said she's going to come up in February as well, and we'll have a little party as she can't make it to my birthday party tomorrow. Oh yeah, my birthday party tomorrow! I'm rather excited about it. And I get to show Mike off to everyone. Exciting times!

myself and the lovely Carys... my mum says we could be twins
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