I'm not looking forward to the time when I have a Christmas away from home. It's going to be weird. I am looking forward to openening the present from Mike however. I love surprises! He's just left mine and I now won't see him until the 28th, which seems aaaaaaages away, but in reality it isn't. I am impatient!
myself and the lovely Carys... my mum says we could be twins
It's not nuch of a scarf I know, but it's getting there! I mean, it's taken me nearly 3 years to get this far! I got this set for Christmas nearly 3 years ago. So I'm rather proud of myself.
My walls have started leaking properly now. This isn't good. I need a new home for my shoe rack now.
I have a job interview on Thursday. I'm tired of the call centre now. The amount they mess around the hours and the rubbishness of the calls... It's time for me to move on, so fingers crossed!
Weather: cold and wet. Standard.
Oh the yumminess of carrots and swede. I had a yummy dinner and it warmed me up good. The heating is also doing a good job, but as we're having a problem with leaking walls at the moment, our flat isn't the warmest place to be.
I also had a warming shower, with my purple monkey. Nothing beats a warming shower. You stay warm all the time, unlike a bath. I always make baths too hot and then have to add more cold water and it gets cold quicker. Baths confuse me.
The monkey still needs a name... Hmm....