Sunday, 26 December 2010
Feeling uber positive
I'm currently at my parent's house in Surrey, having spent Christmas here. It hasn't been too bad I guess. I mean, I have had a great time. I met up with my friends on Christmas Eve, got a bit tiddly. My sister has caused problems, mainly because she's been a bit selfish what with the baby and everything. I don't understand it all really. But I have eaten a lot, and isn't that what Christmas is made for?!
I have meant to keep this blog up, but it's like with all things, life just got in the way. The main development has been my relationship with Edd. It started 2 months ago and I have never been happier. I feel like I have found my place in life. My nan asked me today if this relationship was the one, and I could honestly answer YES. I have never felt like this before and I can't see it changing. Edd has baggage, as does everyone. But I like this baggage. This baggage comes in the form of Emilia. She's 4 years old and I love her to bits already!
So 2011 looks set to be great, and I'm loving life. That is all!
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
The Lurgy
Sunday, 17 October 2010
An exercise in narcissism
Kerri: (noun) a girl who likes to have a good time, overshares, drinks too much and does stupid idiotic things, sleeps around and works a lot.
Hmmm... it's not the best image, is it? You see, that is just the front I have. The side everyone sees. I have other sides, and I often question myself, why don't I show them? Would my friends like my geek side? The one that sits at home watching crime documentaries, and actually really enjoys studying. What about my sensitive side? The side that actually processes the emotions, and feelings, rather than letting them just bounce off me. The side that hates being alone and just wants someone to share the wonderful things of the world with.... I'm not so sure.
However, it's getting hard now. I'm starting to not like what I see. What I'm turning into. I worry that each time it's getting worse and worse, I'm drinking more and more, and I'm worried what I might end up doing. I don't like it one bit. I don't have any regrets, I've had a fun 5 years in Swansea and some very fun experiences. I think I've just reached a point where I want some sort of... self respect? Maybe not the right word. More like stability. I think. A bit more maturity? I need a balance between work and socialising. Because I'm doing one all the time, when I get the chance to do the other I am overcompensating in a BIG way. And I fear it's ruining things. I'm not a bad person, at least I like to think I'm not. My judgement is shockingly bad when I'm drunk, and if there's someone on my mind, it's usually them I piss off when I'm drunk, regardless if they're with me at the time or not. And I'm sorry for that.
Loneliness is my problem as well. I hate being lonely. I actually despise it. I may put on a front that I'm happy being by myself, and I am, but at times I just wish I had someone there. It hurts sometimes, when all I want is a hug and for someone to tell me that everything is ok, there isn't that someone there... And what if I thought I'd found a someone? Would it be selfish of me to ask a guy to be with me but he'd never see me? Apart from at 5am when I finish work? I don't think it would be fair, which just makes me feel even more lonely. It's harder now... Now that I think there is a connection there, and I can't do anything about it. I'm messing it up by saying the wrong things. Am I demanding too much? I don't know. If you read this, and I really hope that you are reading this, I want you to know that I will be patient, and wait. It's like waiting for Guiness, the whole good things come to those who wait thing... Even if it goes nowhere, I want someone to see the other side of me, just for once. If you can break down the barriers, I really think I need it.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Home, Home on the Raaaange
My parents seem to be creatures of habit. Nothing changes. Occasionally I'll notice a new duvet set, or this time I have noticed a new set of plates in the cupboard. But nothing big changes. My brothers and sister play on their XBoxes all day, my dad joins them, my mum does work in front of the TV. I don't really fit in to this scenario anymore.
I often wonder when I'll end up like them. When I'll have a family of my own. The idea scares me a little. So much changes in my life year on year, I can't imagine falling into the monotonity of family life. My sister is heading there. She's due to give birth in November, and let me tell you, it's going to be such a shock for her. I heard her talking to my mum earlier about bottle feeding the baby because that means someone else can feed it during the night.... I don't know who else she is talking about, because her boyfriend is stationed in Inverness, and there is no way in hell that my mum will wake up and feed the baby. I feel sorry for my sister, she hasn't got a clue what she's doing with her life. So many people in this world are desperate to have children, have nuturing stable families to bring them in to, have been trying for years, and then there's people like my sister who just ended up pregnanat by accident, who have no jobs or means of support, and who don't realise that that's it for the next 18 years of their life. It's kind of sad that she doesn't realise how hard it's going to be.
Monday, 30 August 2010
New Chapter?
Friday, 13 August 2010
The kittens arrived. It was exciting. 4 cute little bundles. 2 white and ginger, 1 white, black and ginger, and 1 white and black (who is called Batman, and we're keeping). Unfortunately, after I had been to the police station to report the break in, I came up to Liz's to feed Mumma Cat, and one of the kittens had died. It was one of the ginger ones, the biggest one whom we had named Tank. It was rather sad. The other kittens are fine though, and getting bigger by the day.
My nan is in hospital. She went in with pneumonia last week. She seemed to stabalise, but now her kidneys aren't working properly, and it's just a matter of time. It's really sad and I don't know what to do. I'm kind of blocking it out at the moment. I've never had someone close to me die, I don't know how to feel about it all.
The australian is in France at the moment, and I actually miss him quite a lot. I have been talking to him since he got off his sailing trip, but now he's run out of credit and I can't get hold of him. He told me he wishes he were here to comfort me. I wish he were too.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
And then came the rain...
Apologies for this one, it was taken on my mobile. It's of some boys playing football in my local park. It was the last forecast day of sunshine. The end of the Swansea Summer. We've had a good run this year. Usually it only lasts a week, and then, just rain. Rain, rain, rain. And more rain. Yep, the rain has started.
Day 4
This is also taken in my local park. Someone has carved tree stumps in to mushrooms. There are a few dotted randomly around the place. I like random acts of art in the places you least expect it.
Day 5
This is a photo of an earthworm in a puddle. There are lots of puddles in Swansea at the moment. This picture got me wondering if earthworms can swim. So I did a bit of research, and courtesy of Wikipedia, I found out... that they can't. Which now leaves me with the guilt of being a worm murderer, having walked away and left this worm to wriggle to its puddley death. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have committed wormicide. The shame.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Project 365... my attempt
This picture was taken in the early hours of this morning. This is my soon-to-be housemate Liz and our amazing cheesecake. It was our first attempt ever at making cheesecake, and it turned out to be a great success. It has strawberries and raspberries on the top. Liz did manage to turn it in to an acrobatic cheesecake when trying to remove it from the tin, but it survived and we enjoyed it very much.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Wherever I lay my hat...
Monday, 21 June 2010
Busy busy Bumblebeeeee
Saturday, 29 May 2010
It actually works....
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Another interesting turn of events
I am also very burnt. Will upload a picture of my amazing tan lines tomorrow.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
It's time to start all over again...
Also, in impressive news, I drank Jack Daniels all night last night and didn't get aggressive or emotional once!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
A Big Realisation
Anywho, work was rather boring. It was a quiet night. Nothing of interest happened. My boss was in a mood and seemed to take it out on everyone else. Those shifts are never fun. The news was going on and on about the hung parliament and Gordon Brown resigning and other such stuff that didn't grab my attention. Since my boss fiddled with the tv, we no longer get the fun channels that have decent programmes on. We have news. Rubbish. Anyways, there I was, beating the crap out of a burger on the charcoal grill (a favourite hobby of mine), when it happened. My sudden realisation.... Life after graduation is this. All the expectations I had in my final year, wanting university to be finished as life after would be soooo much more exciting, only... it's not. It's as monotonous as university. I wake up, go to work, go home, sleep, repeat... Is this it? Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 40 years? Really? Well, I'm not impressed.
But then... I had another thought, a bit later on when I was at home and pondering aforementioned revelation. Maybe life is only like this because I'm not making it interesting? Maybe I am not looking for the exciting things. The exciting things that happen in every day life. I mean, if you think about it, life is pretty exciting. And I think we spend most of our time worrying that we're not living life to the full enough, which is a bit ironic as we're then actually not living our lives.
I think my recent funk is down to a few things. One is probably my laziness. I am feeling extremely lethargic at the moment. I literally have motivation for about 10 minutes, and then poof! It's gone. I'm going to blame this on my diet. I need more veggies and fruit. And tuna! I shall eat more tuna. Another reason is my lack of free time meaning that all I can see myself doing is working. Now, I've though about this, and it's not strictly true. If I actually woke up at a decent time of the morning rather than afternoon, and did stuff rather than spending all day on Facebook, I might actually enjoy my time more. I have a lot of free time before work, I need to make the most of it. And, maybe another reason is the amount of stupidly intense couples I have surrounding me. I'm not saying me and Mike aren't serious, because I think that we are. But for the first time in my dating life, I am not making everything intense. I guess living in different towns helps with that. And you know what? It's refreshing. Admittedly at times I worry and I panic and I get paranoid that he doesn't want to be with me etc etc. But, then I come to the realisation that if he didn't want to be with me, he wouldn't be. And what we have is good. I don't feel smothered, or trapped, or anything like that. I feel happy. I may sometimes look at what my housemate Rachel and the guy upstairs have and feel a pang of jealousy. But then I take off the Mills & Boon goggles and look at it rationally. They spend every waking minute together, they spend every sleeping minute together... when do they get their own time? When Mat's at work? When Rachel's upstairs doing her uni work? That's not having your own time really. And when they have their first argument, it's gonna me messy. They've only been together a bit less than two months. Nobody should be that intense that early. I find it amusing though that Rachel moaned about me being too intense in relationships when I first got with Mike... and now look! Pot, kettle, black much. There's also Danny at work. I love him to bits, but he's so loved up all the time! And he is definitely the woman in his relationship. His boyfriend, Dan, is a nice guy, but Danny mothers him. And the plans he's got for his birthday... Jeez. I mean, a treasure hunt around Swansea?! A surprise birthday party with a buffet and a cake that it's taking him 3 days to make?! That just all sounds exhausting! But I guess it works for him, so I'm happy for him in that respect. Clearly, romance is not dead. As for me, I am happy with what I've got. I see Mike when I can, we have a good time and he does give the best cuddles. And despite other temptations from people who shall not be named, I don't want to be with anyone else. I guess this means I'm maturing? I guess maybe I am.
So, from this moment forward, I'm having a life tidy. I'm going to write a big list of things I want to do this year. And I'm going to jolly well do them! I'm going to make my life exciting, I'm going to appreciate the small things in life, and I'm going to spend less time on Facebook (seriously, they need counselling groups for Facebook addiction).
Friday, 7 May 2010
Election 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
To Blog Or Not To Blog
Monday, 12 April 2010
Screw 2012, the world is possibly ending now
Thursday, 1 April 2010
A wee post about everything
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Random thought...
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Ugh, packing
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Friday, 5 February 2010
Looking forward....
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Also tonight, I have my first shift back at the diner, and I'm rather looking forward to it. It's an easy job and I did enjoy it. Also, I should be working with Danny again next week, fingers crossed. We had many fun times, singing diva songs and watching Supernatural. Working with camp gay guys is loads of fun!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Paaaainful teeth!
Monday, 1 February 2010
Friday, 29 January 2010
Aaaaand.... relax
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Are you happy where you're standing still?
1. I have no problems in my relationship at all. Yes, I made mistakes in the past, but people shouldn't be judged on that. And if my love life is so interesting to you, maybe you should take a look at your own. I'm bloody happy with a lovely boyfriend.
2. I have a job which pays well because I put in the effort. Yes, it's not for everyone, but if your friends hated it, it's probably because they thought it would be easy and it's not. It's hard work.
3. I am barely at home anymore, I make little mess, I feel like I can't even leave a plate on the side without having committed a cardinal sin.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love my flatmate to bits. I really do. She's helped me through some tough times and I can't think of anyone else I would rather live with. But people go through ups and downs, and I guess this is just a down. I work bloody hard so I can stay in Swansea. I love it here. I have a life here now. I have wonderful people supporting me. Friends who aren't even here, who don't see me hobbling around my flat because my feet are covered in blisters from walking around solidly for 8 hours, 6 days a week. I get support from Mike. Yeah, he's upset that he can't see me during the week, but he's supportive of my job. He sends me encouraging texts during the day, asks me how I'm doing, tells me I can do my job and he's proud of me. I honestly can't see how I'd fuck this relationship up, and I have no intention of doing so. I've grown up, I feel I have, and people can't go around judging others on past experiences, as nobody would ever progress. Also, my mum sending me links for jobs in the civil service and other jobs all the time doesn't help. Especially on the days where I have no sales, feel terrible and want to jack it all in. But that's a very delicate conversation to have and I'm not in the best frame of mind for that yet.
So, that was my little rant. I needed to get it out as it's been stressing me out, hence why I had a migrane of death last night which meant I couldn't work today as I couldn't see straight. My plan to combat this negativity? Avoid it until something else comes along and it all blows over. I know I'm good at my job, I'm happy with my life, so I'll just focus on the positives, the nice things that are said and sod the rest of it.
I haven't updated on my New Years Resolutions for a while... this Saturday I am going to a vegan restaurant with Mike, so that's my new experience for the month! Well, in all honesty, this whole month has been a new experience for me! But this is my definite one!
Also, one of my best friends Hannah is up this weekend, which I am uber excited about. Although it won't be the same without Carys here. It will be like a gingerbread man missing his gum drop buttons. Sigh.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Trying to get it right
It also sucks not being able to see Mike during the week. I miss him rather a lot. I know we've got the weekends together, and I know we'll make the most of it. I just miss having that hug mid-week. The one that keeps me going until the weekend. Although he has been great, kept my spirits up and made me smile even when I felt like crying yesterday. I want to do well at this job, earn the money to show him how much he means to me. Jeez, I'm falling hard for him....
Monday, 11 January 2010
Meh is the word
BUT.... tomorrow is another day and I'm gonna nail it.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Lazy Bones
As you can see, there was snow. A lot of snow. Cardiff had snow, Swansea didn't. And still doesn't. They keep telling us snow is a-coming, but still, lacking snow at the moment. It was actually quite fun working in the snow, slipping over and sliding places. Snowmen and snowballs. Although it did get bloody freezing when the sun went down. I bought thermals today in preparation for next week.
Look at the snow!
That snowman on the right was about 8 feet tall!
I do love the snow. Another odd thing happened today. I didn't feel like laying around in bed all morning. Which is not like me at all. I love my bed. I honestly would marry it. And usually at the weekend (and especially with a hangover, like the one I had this morning) I can stay lazing around in bed for hours. But this morning, nope. I was awake and restless. Unfortunately for me, Mike just wanted to sleep. So I just lay there, my mind going crazy. Planning things in my head. Thinking about things I wanted to do. Today and the rest of the week. The rest of the month. The rest of the year. I making plans. This job has shown me in just one week that if I want something to happen I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN... It's completely mind blowing, but I can do things and I will do them. And this year, I'm determined to do it all right. No more laziness for me. So now, I'm off to tidy my room!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Monday, 4 January 2010
Clonk clonk
Sunday, 3 January 2010
I've finished at the call centre! No more talking to people with swine flu. Hurrah! I start my new job tomorrow and I'm excited about it now. Best part? I don't have to start until 11am! That's a like a 4 hour extra lie-in for me! No more waking up at 5am!
Mike has now named Sundays Fajita Sundays, apparently we have to have fajitas every Sunday. I'm not complaining that much, as I do love fajitas. I had guacamole with mine today as well. Only problem is, Mike refuses to chop onions. Flat out refuses. So I am chief onion chopper. And chief weeper due to stupid onions.
I am getting on well with the knitting. I have made a phone sock for one of the old guys at the call centre. I am rather proud of myself. Slowly turning myself in to a domestic goddess! I know it's only a small thing, but it's still an achievement. Next job... fingerless gloves! (Fingers look a bit too complicated!)
Resolutions update: Going well!
Friday, 1 January 2010
In 10 years time we'll have perfect vision
Well, it's 2010, and if Hollywood were to be believed we'd all have hoverboards and spaceships now. I feel a little let down.
I had a quiet New Years Eve. I had work at 7am this morning, that could be why. Double pay though, so can't complain too much. I stayed in with my friend Natalie from work (who was staying over), and we ate a lot, drank beer and watched crap on the tv. We didn't have party poppers, so when midnight came we pulled Christmas crackers. They still went bang, and we got a joke!
So... new year, I guess that means it's time for New Years Resolutions... well, I've got a few for this year:
1. Cut down smoking as I figured quitting right off would be bloody difficult as that's what I've been doing before and failed. So me and Mike have agreed to cut down (he wants to quit too, we're supporting each other)
2. Eat healthy which I try to do anyway, but am going to make so much more of an effort. I have a bag of bananas in the kitchen, off to a good start.
3. Do one thing each day that makes me smile as I figured that I was sad for most of last year for one reason or another, and so, even though I feel happy at the moment, I want to make sure I stay that way.
4. Do one new thing each month this could be visitng a new place or trying something new. The emphasis is on the NEW... my attempt to eliminate boredom and monotony.
So there are my resolutions, and I am determined to stick to them. This year is feeling positive already, and I'm feeling positive. Yay for positivity!
I have my last shift at the call centre tomorrow. I am in two minds about it. I am so happy to be leaving, the job is making me grumpy and I have so much trouble getting up in the mornings to go to work. Just no motivation to go there at all. It's a soul destroying job. On the other hand, I have made some friends there and I will be sad to leave them and the crazy stories and conversations. I am going to make every effort to keep in contact with everyone. Much easier these days thanks to Facebook. And my plan for after I finish? Go to Mike's house and get very drunk to celebrate! And I've told him to cook me dinner. A vegan dinner, what with him being vegan and all. We'll see if this happens.
So... all that remains to say is... 2010??? BRING IT ON!