So, today, I have been wondering about hair. What is the purpose of it? I mean really? Everyone has different hair styles, colours, types... but what purpose does it serve? Is it like the human equivalent of peacock feathers? I mean, because if it served a ourpose vital to human survival, why do men lose it? Some women lose their hair as well. I have just been wondering about this today as I need a haircut, and I couldn't decide whether to dye it again or not, which led me to start thinking about the purpose of hair. I've had many hairstyles, spent copious amounts of money on my hair. Some would say ridiculous amounts. And for what? Guys don't notice when we do something to our hair. Is it a girl thing? Competition between girls? I don't know. But it has got me thinking about the many hair styles I've had. Even in the past few years. Thus, exhibit below....

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