Friday, 19 August 2011

Part way to being a grown up

Kelly at work asked me today how I knew Edd was The One. I didn't know how to reply. There wasn't one defining moment. At least, I can't think of one. No bolt of lightning, a flourish of trumpets or anything like that. I just knew. Apparently this can just happen. I'm all for going with gut feelings, listening to your intuition and all that. I couldn't offer any advice on how I knew, which I what I think she angling for. When Edd proposed to me, there was no doubt in my mind that I would say yes. Honestly, I'd thought about it many times before. About where and when it would happen, but no amount of thinking can prepare you for it. I knew I wanted to marry the man I call Eddbum about 3 weeks after we got together. I daydreamed seeing him at the end of a church aisle giving me the wink that makes my insides melt, wearing a suit. Now, most would agree that this is rather an odd daydream to be having so soon in to a relationship, seeing as we had only kissed the first time a few days before. Want to know something even more odd? Edd had the same kind of daydream at the same time. Yeah. Freaky.

Maybe it's just all a part of growing up and finding your place in the world. It just happens naturally, you don't notice it. Just like many of the big things in life, you can't predict it coming, but when it does it feels like the most natural thing in the world. I want this to be my place in the world, I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be.

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