Friday, 20 May 2011

This fire is outta control, gonna burn this city......

(My finger is in the shot because it was a sneaky photo taking moment)

Well, not quite. But we did have some drama at work today! The bin outside the shop was on fire for some reason. There are many differing viewpoints. The most logical explanation is that someone threw a cigarette in there and it set fire to something. There are many other lines of thought. The grumpy woman from Thomas Cook a few doors down who keeps leaving notes on people's cars if they park in her parking space. Bored teenagers was another explanation. Someone trying to burn the shop down, possibly my manager as she is rather adverse to working. But anywho, Cam helped by bringing a mop bucket of water down to the security wardens. They got the fire out, when the fire service turned up. Great timing there. So, we watched the firemen, hoping for a nice dishy one. We were sadly disappointed, but not overly surprised. This is Swansea after all. Good looking men are few and far between. And the ones who think they are good looking, spend longer in front of the mirror than most girls. But I digress, the firemen turned up to a fire that was clearly out. They still got the hose out anyway, and gave the bin a few squirts. It was all rather exciting.

Yes, my life has got that boring that watching a 40 year old fireman squirt a bin with water is the highlight of my day.

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