Sunday, 15 May 2011

My first car crash

So today, I crashed Edd's car. Nothing major, it wasn't a huge collision, there were no injuries, but it shook me up pretty badly. I guess I was at fault, but I am generally a careful driver. Neither me nor Edd saw the brake lights of the car in front as it stopped, but apparently it did, and no amount of emergency braking stopped our car. So Jay (the car) has a buckled bumper and a grate fell out of the front. The other car only had a tiny scratch, but the guy was causing a fuss about it. The police took my details, but as we exchanged insurance details, they didn't pursue it. The policeman didn't seem to impressed with the other guy saying there would be loads of damage that we couldn't see because of the bump. I'm a bit worried about what he's going to claim. His wife was nice though. She could see I was shaken up. And Emilia got to press the button to make the blue lights flash on the police car, which calmed her down a bit, as she was a bit shaken up. So I've got sore knees from hitting the steering column when I slammed on the brake. But I've had sweet tea and cake to make me feel better. I'm just thankful it wasn't serious.

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