So, I haven't blogged for ages. It's a mixture of things really. Mainly, my life has changed so so much in the past couple of months. And it's all for the better. But more on that later. First of all...
I'm currently at my parent's house in Surrey, having spent Christmas here. It hasn't been too bad I guess. I mean, I have had a great time. I met up with my friends on Christmas Eve, got a bit tiddly. My sister has caused problems, mainly because she's been a bit selfish what with the baby and everything. I don't understand it all really. But I have eaten a lot, and isn't that what Christmas is made for?!
I have meant to keep this blog up, but it's like with all things, life just got in the way. The main development has been my relationship with Edd. It started 2 months ago and I have never been happier. I feel like I have found my place in life. My nan asked me today if this relationship was the one, and I could honestly answer YES. I have never felt like this before and I can't see it changing. Edd has baggage, as does everyone. But I like this baggage. This baggage comes in the form of Emilia. She's 4 years old and I love her to bits already!
So 2011 looks set to be great, and I'm loving life. That is all!