Sunday, 29 November 2009

Play that funky music...

I've had a great weekend. Just want to put that out there. Had my work's Christmas party on Thursday, which was... interesting. And left me with a huge bump on the back of my head. Apparently my head and tables do NOT mix.

I've spent all weekend with Mike, and things are just going so well I can't really believe it! We made fajitas on Friday night. He's a veggie, but that's not really a big problem because I like Quorn food. The fajitas were yummy! And we watched a film and things just felt great, being cwtched up in front of the TV. And then he met me from work on Saturday (after a very long and boring 9 hour shift), and we went back to his and watched TV and drank wine and cwtched, and it felt so perfect. And just chatting as well, it all seems so easy.

And he got me a PURPLE MONKEY!!!!!

It's a bath mitt, and it's so cool! He's so random and silly, but it's great.

And today we just chilled and Mike showed me his guitar skills. Isn't he gorgeous?!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


My mind wanders when I am at work. Usually to random things, never really to important things that I should be thinking about. Today... I pondered my thumbs. I think thumbs are strange. I can't quite put my finger on why. But thumbs are definitely strange. They move in strange ways, they look strange. No thumbs seem to be the same from person to person. This could be said for most parts of the human body, but today for some reason, my thumbs stuck out. I find them oddly captivating at the same time. Mike said I have lovely thumbs when I shared this viewpoint with him... I'm still not convinced.

This is my left thumb... does it look odd?

How about the right one?

Monday, 23 November 2009

Another great weekend

So, I've had another great weekend. It made me happy in lots of different ways. Friday night was spent with the wonderful Binty McBintpants (aka Alex), where she cooked me dinner and we drank wine and danced around her room to Steps and other dodgy 90s music. Then we went to Sin City (is there anywhere else to go on a Friday?! I think not), where we danced around like nutters and drank far too much. Standard Friday night really. Unfortunately Mike couldn't come out and he was sad about it, so I sent him this picture to cheer him up!

And Saturday saw the arrival of a certain Stubbs 1, and much drunken hilarity ensued. I do love Stubbs, he's like the big brother I don't have. Although I often forget how loud he is! And he is celebrating this whole "Movember" thing... he has grown a tash. Which lead to this....

We then met up with Mike in town as it was his birthday. I was so nervous about meeting his friends, but it went really well. I guess alcohol helped. And then I got to spend Mike's birthday with him the following day, although it was a bit awkward meeting his parents for the first time looking rough from the night before. I'm now in a relationship with Mike and couldn't be happier! Seriously, I never thought online dating would actually work!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Once again it is raining in Swansea. I can hear it making a commotion on my window. I am kind of indifferent to rain now, what with it raining all the time in Swansea. It annoys me when I am walking somewhere and am caught unawares. Or I've spent ages making my hair look nice. However, it does give me a chance to wear my cowprint wellies! Aren't they awesome?!

In other news, I have been on a cleaning spree. I've cleaned my kitchen, bathroom and bedroom! I don't know what has come over me!

I'm also supposed to be meeting Mike's family on the weekend. It's his birthday and he wants me to stay over. He still lives with his parents, which is kind of intimidating. I guess I've lived away from home so long now that I forget people my age live with their parents. It's weird as we've only been on a few dates, but things are going amazingly well. He keeps telling me he really likes me, and I like him too. I feel happy and myself with him. I'm still not over-analysing things, which is a first for me. I have all my fingers crossed that I'm not going to mess this one up!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Little rays of sunshine

OK, so my date went REALLY well. I couldn't believe how nervous I was for it. And I spent an age straightening my hair only for it to rain on the way to work. Such is life. But we got on very very well. A few of my friends were worried when I told them that I was meeting someone from the internet. But he didn't turn out to be an axe murderer or a 40 year old weirdo. We got on very well, had a great evening. Ash were really good live.

I probably shouldn't have got so drunk, but Mike was drunk too. It was weird, it felt really easy. Then on Saturday he came and met me in town because I was going in to do some shopping. I hate town on a Saturday. Especially on the run up to Christmas. Everyone is in a rush and completely in their own little world. They like to stop before shop windows, suddenly and without warning. And then get angry with you for walking in to the back of them. Well, if I'd had some kind of warning, I wouldn't have! Seriously, people should be fitted with indicators and warning lights. But anywho, back to what I was saying. Mike came and met me, we had coffee and a chat and it was all very lovely. And then he met me from work yesterday as I was only working until 11am, and we went to the cinema and had dinner, then an evening of cuddles and kisses. Bliss! So all in all, I am a happy little bunny and would definitely recommend internet dating to all and sundry.

I'm feeling rather odd today as well. Aside from being stupidly happy, I feel like I need to do something creative. I really enjoyed baking fairy cakes on Sunday evening, and dying purple streaks in my hair.

But I feel like I need to do something more creative. I should start scrapbooking again. I'm going to print off lots of photos when I go home at Christmas I think. I also actually want to make a start on the sewing clothes thingy. I want to make a cow print bag! And eventually a cow print duvet... that'll always be the dream. I dunno, I just guess I feel kind of wasted without something to keep me busy when I'm not at work, if you know what I mean. So maybe I'll start doing that. I found a shop in Swansea Market that has a huge selection of buttons. Buttons excite me!

Also, Christmas is a getting closer. They have switched the Christmas lights on in Swansea centre, which seems silly to me as it's only the middle of November. There is over a month until Christmas! But sometmes, I feel festivey. When the weather is just right, it's crisp and not too cold and windy, I feel a little festivey and get rather excited. I am looking forward to going home for Chrsitmas. I miss my mum's roast dinners.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Isn't it strange how alarms were invented to warn people that something is happening? To get their attention? And all they actually do is piss people off? For instance, there is some sort of burglar alarm going off in my neighbourhood right now, and rather than thinking Oh no, someone is being robbed, I must alert the authorities, all I'm thinking is... SHUT THAT BLOODY NOISE OFF!

On another note, I have a date tonight with the guy mentioned previously, the one I met online. I am actually very very nervous.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Online Dating

I signed up to an online dating website about a month ago for a few reasons.

  1. I'm fed up of dating friends
  2. I'm fed up finding out too late that guys are losers
  3. For a laugh
  4. To see who's out there

I didn't sign up properly, as in paid membership, until this weekend. I had recieved a few messages from highly unsuitable guys, who clearly couldn't read my profile and see that I'm not looking for someone who is old enough to be my dad. But then, as if by magic, good looking guys started contacting me! It was a miracle. And I've been talking to one all weekend. He lives close by, is easy on the eye and we seem to have a lot in common. It's just that every now and then I think "This is weird, we met online"... and we haven't met each other face to face... What's the protocol for this? How long are you supposed to leave it? I'm really not lone for playing games, but isn't that what internet dating is about? I mean, he's keen. He also paid up just to email me back... And been texting all weekend. But how does this work?!

Friday, 6 November 2009

Christmas shopping

As much as I do enjoy Christmas shopping, I've discovered that since I've used the internet a lot more, it's lost it's appeal. I do all my shopping online. No longer to I spend afternoons walking around shops and getting excited about the things in the shops and the sparkly lights and festive spirit... Instead, I sit in front of my laptop and browse a few web pages. One other problem I've found is that I end up buying far too much for myself. So now the postman is probably hating me, but I do have some new dvds and clothes! Also, my dressmaking books turned up so I am planning on having a craft weekend, with extra dashings of baking.

I missed Bonfire Night, stupid work. I heard plenty of fireworks though. But it was so cold outside in a way I'm kind of glad because I didn't really want to freeze to death.

Also, had a talk with James. He's pretty much told me to give up all hope of us getting together. It has upset me quite a bit. But maybe it is for the best. And he would just mess me around, and then I could go "See, all men are the same!", which is what I always do. Oh well.... plenty more fish in the sea as they say. I am going to wait for someone to come along who won't mess me around.....